Thursday, April 8, 2010

just a normal day in the library

While sitting at a table at work (in the library) at school today, I looked over to see a girl walking by.
Or should I say scooting by?

This girl was wearing a cowboy hat, riding a scooter, and precariously holding onto a bag hanging from her handlebars.

As I looked over, I noticed this girl literally riding her scooter.

In the library
(on carpet)



Sitting inside the employee break room in the library at school today, I noticed a strange thing.

I like to sit next to the window and people-watch.
Nothing too exciting was happening until I noticed a certain boy walk by.

He was wearing light washed jeans, a forest green turtleneck, and dorky tennis shoes.

The frosting on the cookie?
He was wearing a magenta dress over his entire outfit.

Light-washed jeans, turtlenecks, and dresses- Oh my!

sweater zip-up

Yesterday I borrowed a sweatshirt from my sister.
That fact is not very important though.

However, the fact that it had a rather smooth and fast-working zipper is interesting.

As I zipped up the zipper quickly, I then proceeded to unzip it a little too.

I zipped up my sweatshirt like Mr. Rogers.

Don't believe me?
Well then you are one of three things:
-you do not trust me,
-you didn't watch Mr. Rogers as child,
-or you're not cool

Because you know what?
the cool kids of the 80's (and their moms) watched Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood diligently, and with relish.
(Not the food, the adjective.)

And if you still don't believe me, Check this out:
Mr. Rogers' sweater (start at 1:02)

walking to class

While walking to class the other day, I suddenly heard a weird noise behind me.
A girl was riding her bicycle, listening to music, and singing very loudly and horribly, 'womanizer' by Britney Spears.

The icing on the cake?

She was using one hand to do dance and do hand motions :)